Is it for me?

Students will develop an understanding of a broad range of issues relevant to the sector, including:

  • business context – an overview of organisational cultures and values, different types of internal and external stakeholder, different forms of governance and the impact of organisations on society and the environment
  • project and change management – an understanding of the common change management theories and models and how to support and improve projects
  • business behaviours – the importance of good communication and adapting social communication styles to professional standards and according to purpose, medium and audience
  • quality and compliance – the importance of maintaining and improving quality in all aspects of public and private sector organisations
A-Level English literature students studying at Sunderland College

Expert & friendly support

Sunderland College Business

Our facilities

You will have access to specialist classrooms, industry-standard Sage Software and a new employer hub.

Career ready

Career options might include working as a business improvement coordinator, team leader or project support.

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