There are hundreds of different apprenticeships to choose from. To apply for one, you can apply directly though Sunderland College's or the employer's website.

Once you find the right apprenticeship, you'll need a CV and a cover letter to apply.

Here are some tips for writing an impressive CV

  • Personalise your CV to the job you are applying for and only include relevant information that they will be interested in. It is important for an employer to know your hobbies and interests you enjoy doing in your free time, to give them a better idea of you as a person
  • Make sure the email address you use is suitable to display on your CV. Always try to include your full name
  • Your CV should be no longer than two sides of A4 and provide an overview of your skills, qualifications and experience. Use bullet points or lists, if needed
  • Everyone has some work experience, from babysitting to helping mentor younger brothers/sisters - it's all work experience!
  • Lying on your CV can land you in a whole heap of trouble. Keep it real. Employers will check references.
  • Make a good impression by ensuring your CV is well presented and clear to read, with no spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Be positive and showcase your skills in the best possible light so an employer is convinced you're the best person for the job!
  • Each time you gain more experience, or learn a new skill make sure you update your CV.
  • If your application is successful, the employer will invite you for an interview. If you're upskilling with your current employer, you may not have one. Your interview will depend on the type of employer the apprenticeship is with. For example, you may only have one interview with a small employer, but up to three with a larger employer.

    Interviews for an apprenticeship are usually like interviews for any other job. They could be:

    • Face to face
    • With a panel
    • Over the phone
    • Online - for example, on Skype, Teams or Zoom
    A student at Washington Campus Sunderland College

    To prepare, you should...

    - Dress smart
    - Work out how you will get there and turn up on time
    - Prepare a lot! Research the apprenticeship and the company
    - Get feedback on your performance, whether you were successful or not
    - Ask questions if you don't understand, want more information and to show you are interested
    - Turn off your mobile phone

    To prepare, you shouldn't...

    - Rock up not knowing anything about the company
    - Lie - it's important to be honest at an interview
    - Turn up late. No excuse will be good enough!
    - Slouch in your seat or do anything that makes you look uninterested
    - Be arrogant - remember arrogance and confidence are very different

    Congratulations, you're hired!

    Now that you've secured your apprenticeship, here's some tips on how to be a brilliant apprentice:

    - Ask questions so you know you can do your job well
    - Know the dress code. If in doubt, dress smart
    - Introduce yourself to everyone you meet to raise your profile.
    - Learn to use a notepad so you can write down important information
    - Enjoy and make a good first impression
    - Be willing to work as part of the team
    - Network and get involved in meetings and staff training
    - Find a mentor within the company to help develop
    - Know what you want to get out of your apprenticeship and where you want it to take you

    Apprenticeship vacancies

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