Starting February 2025

Our Chartered Institute of Housing Level 4 Certificate in Housing caters to housing professionals who are in or are aspiring to a supervisory or management role. This comprehensive course provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the housing sector.

Sunderland College will fund the Chartered Institute of Housing membership fee for students enrolled on our housing qualification course for the duration of their study which enables access to fantastic member benefits.

Level 4 Certificate in Housing

Our Housing qualifications are now open for enquiries for future courses. 

A student at Washington Campus Sunderland College

Sunderland College will be delivering a pilot programme in 2025 in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Housing, other Further Education providers and local housing associations. Our qualification will enable housing professionals to meet regulatory requirements through the four mandatory units of 'Housing policy', 'Housing law and regulation', 'Customer focus in housing' and 'Professionalism in housing'. In addition, we will be including two optional units chosen by our partners: 'Support health and wellbeing in housing' and 'Resident involvement in housing'.

We are collaborating with our partners to design and implement our pilot programme combining student study with their ongoing practical work commitments.

How to enquire:

Currently, applications for our housing courses are processed through employers. If you would like to find out more about the course and future applications click here to complete the enquiry form and find out more. Upon enquiry, you will be contacted by a member of the team who will be able to answer all your questions.

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