School Leaver

Start Date: Duration: Level: Study mode: Course Location: Course Type:
September 2 Years Level 3 Full-Time Bede Campus Full-time Vocational Apply Enquire

What’s it all about?

This is an exciting course aimed at school leavers with some background in art and design. It will focus primarily on art, design and textiles, and will explore skills such as:

- Design and concept development
- Critical and contextual awareness
- Communication through art and Design
- Materials, techniques and processes in art and design

You will need 4 GCSE's at grade 4-9 including an Art-based subject. Or a relevant Level 2 qualification.

Study level Cost
19+ please enquire

Primarily, you will learn through practical lessons in well-appointed studios.
You will find out what is happening in the art and design world by visiting exhibitions, museums and galleries. Additionally, further independent contextual research will be encouraged.

There are no external exams on this course. Assessment is made from a series of course work projects, completed throughout the duration of the two year course.

English and Maths are important life skills that will help you to achieve your best in your studies and progress to your dream career. If you have not already achieved grade 9-4 in GCSE Maths and/or English at school, we will support you to improve your skills.

Many of your projects will be linked to future careers and these will be supported by industry visits.

Mon-Fri, between 9am-4pm. Days and times of study are subject to change.

Timetables are confirmed at the start of term.

This is a full time course, over two years.

The aim of this course is to give students the necessary skills and experience needed for progression to employment, or a higher education course (Foundation Diploma/HNC/Degree) in art and design.

This course is aimed at school leavers with some background in art and design. It will focus primarily on art, design and textiles, and will explore skills such as:

- Design and concept development
- Critical and contextual awareness
- Communication through art and Design
- Materials, techniques and processes in art and design

Year 1 - Module A:

A1 - Skills Development- Exploring and developing art and design skills. In this unit, you will explore a range of skills and processes in the graphic design field. This will be hand-based practice as well as digital computer skills with industry software.

A2- Creative Project - This unit is a response to skill learnt in A1. You will use these skills to create a body of work with a final outcome linked to industry.

Year 2 - Module B:

B1 - Personal Progression - The aim of this unit is to set you up ready for your next steps in the industry or further education. You will research into all areas, such as universities, jobs and self-employment. From there you will discover your personal attributes, long-term goals and attend a mock interview to build your confidence. To complete the unit you will prepare a portfolio to support your progression.

B2 - Creative Industry Response (FMP) - The FMP encompasses all of the units completed on the course. You will write a brief linked to industry and your chosen progression. A body of work will be produced with experiments, development of ideas and a final outcome. The work will then be exhibited at our end of year show.

BTEC Awarded by Pearsons

What’s next?

Following the completion of this course, you will be equipped to progress to Higher Education at college or university, where you could study an art and design related course. Alternatively, you will also be equipped to gain employment in the art/graphics sector or set up your own business.

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