School Leaver

Start Date: Duration: Level: Study mode: Course Location: Course Type:
September 2 Years Level 3 Full-Time Bede Campus T Levels Apply Enquire

What’s it all about?

The core element of a T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development will boost your knowledge in a range of topics such as programming, coding, the use of data, and the different platforms of delivery in the digital industry. It’s a cutting-edge subject, so you’ll also learn about the potential security risks that organisations can face and how to analyse problems and identify solutions through computer programs.

You’ll then move on to the subject specialism, so you can get deeper into the specifics and build up the skills you need for your future job. You’ll work on problem solving, developing solutions within a collaborative environment and learn how to change, maintain and support software.

Then you’ll be able to put everything you learn into practice, with a substantial industry placement of around 45 days. Giving you an amazing opportunity to work with an employer while you study, such as a software or IT company, and gain invaluable experience as well as key skills that employers are looking for.

You will need 5 GCSE's at grade 5-9 including Maths and English Language

Study level Cost Additional fees
19+ please enquire There are no additional costs associated with this course however you may want to purchase some additional equipment to help with learning e.g. laptop or desktop computer.

You will have an excellent experience and benefit from practical and theory lessons with an industry edge added in to prepare you for the real world on completion of the course.

During practical lessons you will develop your skills to put into practice in industry with the use of industry software and equipment. During theory lessons you will be expected to develop their knowledge by doing group work, research, report writing.

During the course lecturers will assess your knowledge in a range of ways to ensure that you are progressing and where needed, additional support is provided.

On completion of the T Level, the qualification will offer between 72 and 168 UCAS points depending on the grade achieved.

GCSE Maths and English are crucial for this programme, providing a strong foundation for your studies and future career. Maths enhances your problem-solving and analytical skills, essential for coding and data analysis. English is vital for effective communication, allowing you to articulate complex ideas and collaborate seamlessly with peers and professionals.
These subjects equip you with the core competencies needed to excel in the digital world, ensuring you’re well-prepared for both the academic challenges and the dynamic demands of the tech industry. Embrace these skills to maximise your potential and thrive in this exciting field.

You will complete an industry placement with a digital employer, this will last a minimum of 45 days during the course.

In addition to industry placement, you will benefit from guest lectures, industry visits and days to ensure you are prepared to take the next step in your education and career on completion of the course.

When studying this course you will need to be willing to take part in additional study outside of lesson time for projects and assessments to develop your skills and knowledge of the digital world.

This is a full time course Monday - Friday, you will receive your timetable at the start of term.

The aim of the course is for students to develop the skills to:

- analyse a problem, understand user needs, define requirements and set acceptance criteria
- design, implement and test software
- change, maintain and support software
- work collaboratively in a digital team
- discover, evaluate and apply reliable sources of knowledge
- work within legal and regulatory frameworks when developing software

Students will develop an understanding of:

- how digital technologies impact business
- the ethical and moral implications of digital technology
- using data in software design
- using digital technologies to analyse and solve problems
- digital environments, including physical, virtual and cloud environments
- emerging technical trends, such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Blockchain, 3D printing
- legal and regulatory obligations relating to digital technologies
- the privacy and confidentiality of personal data
- the technical, physical and human aspects of internet security
- planning digital projects
- testing software, hardware and data
- digital tools for project management and collaboration


T Levels are a new and exciting type of education which give students the opportunity to complete real project work with employers in industry and within the college setting, whilst also learning new skills and knowledge which the industry need. Tthose who complete a T Level will be ready to progress onto higher education, degree apprenticeship or employment at the end of the course.

The Digital Production, Design and Development T Level will allow you to gain knoewledge and skills around programming to develop their own applications and learn new development techniques such as mobile app development, networking skills to be able to problem solve and build networks including new technology such as cloud developments and 5G technology, development of new technology which industry are using such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence and augmented reality, plus much more.

Whilst stiudying, you will have time to spend with employers on placement to learn the skills needed within the digital sector and work on projects which will enhance your qualification and ability to progress forward within your chosen field in the digital sector or further study.

This course will help you develop the knowledge and skills needed meet the industry needs and fill skills gap for the current climate and future jobs which will be created in the coming years.

What’s next?

On completion of this course you could progress onto higher education course at college or at university. You may also decide to progress onto a degree apprenticeship or go straight into emploment in industry.

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