Here at Sunderland College, we're giving you the opportunity to get ahead with A-Levels starting now, throughout the Summer at your own pace, with our Get Ahead programme!

The Get Ahead programme gives everyone who has applied to study A-Levels with us in September, access to a range of learning activities and resources, from the comfort of your own home, for all of your favourite subjects, to give you a taste of sixth form life!

If you're still a little unsure on the subjects you're going to study with us, it's a great opportunity to try out the resources to help you make that final decision.

Make the best use of your summer – Get Ahead with us ready to start college in September!

Tips for the summer

Make the most of your freedom and have an amazing summer!

Connect with us on social media to get useful updates

Trying something new, develop a new skill or play a new sport

Get familiar with your route to college

Kickstart your CV with a summer job or voluntary work

Open a bank account if you're starting an apprenticeship so you don't miss a pay day

Don't forget to enrol on your course over the summer

Get involved in the Get Ahead programme to get ready for college

Spend quality time with friends and family before your new adventure starts!

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