At Sunderland College, your safety and wellbeing is our number one priority.
We're committed to offering you space where you feel safe, secure, valued, and respected and protected from all forms of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
We can provide counselling and support for any personal and health-related issues, so if you feel overwhelmed, need advice or a friendly face to talk to, our supportive environment means there is lots of help available if you need it. You are never alone.
It's our responsibility to protect young people, vulnerable adults, and we aim to make sure all adults who may have unsupervised access to our student groups are deemed fit to work with them.
Coming to Sunderland College will give you the opportunity to experience a new independence, have fun, discover a self-belief, and get excited about your future. There may be times when you feel stressed and overwhelmed, or there may be other problems that affect your life and studies. Our counselling service offers impartial and confidential support to all students. The Counselling team is part of the wider intensive support service, who are here to support you and your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
If you are under 18 and have caring responsibilities for a relative, this could have an impact on your studies. Our Intensive Support team supports all young carers, meeting you on a regular basis to see if you need any additional help and to check how you're feeling.
If you are a care experienced young person, we are here to support you. Your life experiences up until you coming to our college may have been difficult, but our Intensive Support team will meet with you, tailor their support to your needs and be the link between you, your social worker, personal advisors, parents, and carers.
We understand balancing studies with family life can be difficult and challenging. Sunderland College offers one-to-one support and will work with your lecturers and personal tutor to make sure you're okay, help you manage your workload and stay one track during your time with us.