If you are 16-18 your course will be fully funded, but you may be eligible for additional support.
*Please note, all support is subject to eligibility.
If you are eligible for travel support, you will receive a monthly allowance to pay for your travel, based on the cheapest mode of transport, up to a £60 maximum monthly payment.
To qualify for support with travel, students aged 16-18 must meet one of the following criteria:
Public transport
Public transport support is based on the Get around for £1 scheme and will be calculated as follows:
Cost of bus times Number of days in college. This is then divided across 10 months of term time.
Private transport
We pay £0.30 per mile to and from campus.
Travelling for a placement
Students can receive travel support for work placements even if they are not usually eligible for travel support (e.g. living less than 1 mile from campus).
If your household income is less than £30,000 you may be eligible for free college lunches. Students who are eligible will receive a daily allowance of £4 for lunch per timetabled day.
All students, regardless of income, will have access to a free breakfast.
If you require support with childcare costs and you are aged under 20 at the start of your course, you should apply through Care to Learn. Click here for more information about Care to Learn.
Students can apply for assistance with the cost of purchasing course related items that are not mandatory for completing their qualification, such as:
If you're struggling due to your financial circumstances or have any questions about what support you may be eligible for, please speak to a member of the Finance Support team by emailing welfare@educationpartnershipne.ac.uk.
When kit or equipment is essential to the course, support will be provided to cover costs for students with a household income under £30,000.
Devices such as laptops and headphones for study are available to borrow from our Future Ready Hubs to use for studying.
For more information, click here.
Those in receipt of certain benefits, in their own right, may also be eligible for a £1,200 a year, Vulnerable bursary.
Up to the age of 18, a student who is care experienced or looked after, or is receiving income support/Universal Credit as they are financially supporting themselves, they are entitled to £1,200 from Care to Learn to use across the academic year.
If student is in significant financial hardship, they can complete a Hardship Request form for anything that is causing a barrier to learning. These are based on household income and looked at individually.