Travelling to Sunderland College

Need some information on how to get to Sunderland College? Watch our video below or view our route maps and handy guide to find your best route to college.

Below are the main bus routes that travel to Sunderland College, click each bus name to be taken to the provider website to view timetables, stops and route details.

South and West

Washington - GNE 8

Houghton le Spring, East Herrington & Farringdon - GNE 20

Peterlee, Murton - GNE X6

Easington Colliery, Seaham, Ryhope - Arriva 23

Inter-Campus, City Campus to Bede Campus

GNE 35

GNE Prince Bishops 20


Stagecoach 3

Stagecoach 4

North and Farringdon

South Shields, Cleadon - GNE 24

Boldon Colliery, East Boldon & Farringdon - GNE 9 

Town end Farm, Hylton Castle - Stagecoach 3

Ticket Information

Travel is free if you’re in receipt of financial support when you are attending college. If not, tickets are £1 if you’re under 21, or £2 for ages 21+.

View our financial support page to see if you are eligible for free travel

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