School leaver

Start Date: Duration: Level: Study mode: Course Location: Course Type:
September 1 Year Level 3 Full-Time Bede Campus Full-time Vocational Apply Enquire

What’s it all about?

This course is designed for students who wish to progress on to Higher Education or into a relevant Uniformed Services role.

Students will study a careers focused curriculum, which offers engagement with a wide variety of Uniformed Services, including police, fire and rescue service, Royal Navy and the British Army, alongside many others.

You will need 4 GCSE's at grade 4-9 including Maths and English. Or a relevant Level 2 qualification.

You will also need to be medically fit without any condition that would prevent you from joining the uniformed services.

Study level Cost Additional fees
16-18 Free You will need to provide your own stationery and you will be given the opportunity to take part in trips and visits. Students are also required to wear a uniform whilst in attendance.

This qualification has been designed to provide highly specialist work-related knowledge and skills (common values and core competencies) sought by employers in a range of uniformed services, such as: communications, teamwork, leadership and problem solving.

English and maths are important life skills that will help you to achieve your best in your studies and progress to your dream career. If you have not already achieved grade 9-4 in GCSE maths and/ or English at school, we will support you to improve your skills.

Northumbria Police
Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue
Royal Navy
British Army

You will study a number of modules over the duration of the 2 year course, such as:

- Preparing for a career in the Uniformed Services
- Developing aspects of physical fitness
- Developing leadership skills
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Uniformed Services hierarchy and routine
- Values and standards
- Map reading and navigation
- Telecommunications in the Uniformed Services
- Conflict management and personal protection
- Influence of the UK government, international organisations and the media
- Emergency planning
- Impact of war and conflict
- Outdoor and adventurous expeditions
- Crime scene investigation

What’s next?

After successfully completing the course you could go on to apply for jobs in the services or apply to universities. Completion of the course will offer a world of opportunity, past students have joined the armed services, progressed to universities such as Durham to study Law and Criminology or Outdoor Adventurous Activity and others have been successful in joining the Special Constabulary.

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93.1% of our students have progressed to further study, university of employment.

(*Based on 16-18 year olds destination data, 2019/20 academic year)

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100% overall A-Level pass rate

Summer 2021

97.4% of our apprentices progressed to employment or further study.  

Destination data for Sunderland College 2019/20, Apprentice completers. 

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