
Start Date: Duration: Level: Study mode: Course Location: Course Type:
September 1 Year Level 2 Part-Time Evening Bede Campus Skills & Qualifications Apply Enquire
September 1 Year Level 2 Part-Time - Day Bede Campus Skills & Qualifications Apply Enquire

What’s it all about?

This course is for people who need a GCSE in English to progress in their career. It is also suitable for anybody who is looking to broaden their knowledge and understanding of English.

Following on from your offer of a place on the adult GCSE English course, you will undertake an assessment in the first two weeks to ensure we can find the right course for you.

It would be beneficial if you held a grade D or above in English Language or a Level 2 Adult Literacy/Functional Skills qualification.

Study level Cost Additional fees
19+ please enquire There are no additional costs.

What’s next?

After successfully completing the course, you could progress on to an Access to Higher Education course or a foundation degree.

You could also use the qualification to progress in your career.

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93.1% of our students have progressed to further study, university of employment.

(*Based on 16-18 year olds destination data, 2019/20 academic year)

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97.4% of our apprentices progressed to employment or further study.  

Destination data for Sunderland College 2019/20, Apprentice completers. 

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