There are lots of reasons why studying a university level qualification at a local college could be even better. There are lots of different types of courses and subjects to prepare you for career success.
We are the College of the Year
(* Top college nationally for BTECs, Pearson 2019)
96% of adult learners agree teaching on their course is good.
(*On-programme Survey 2018, students aged
97% of adult learners agree their course is helping their skills to get better.
(On-programme survey 2018, students aged 19+)
Our achievement rates are above the national average.
Education Partnership North East (EPNE) and Northumbria University have unveiled a new partnership.
December 4, 2024
Sunderland College is excited to announce the appointment of Mike Chapman as its new Principal for Bede Campus.
November 29, 2024
Pupils from St Wilfrid’s RC College have taken their first steps towards a career in construction as the first cohort of the Gentoo Trades Academy.
November 5, 2024