Self-employed massage therapist Alex studied a first diploma at Sunderland College after not achieving the grades he wanted at school. Progressing to a National Diplioma, he was inspired by his lecturers love of sport and teaching.

BTEC First Diploma and BTEC National Diploma

I wasn’t sure about what career path I wanted to follow but I knew I wanted to be involved in sports.

The first diploma allowed me to progress in further education as I didn’t get the grades I wanted at school.

Every module and assignment was given my full attention as it was within my interests surrounding sports science.

Every single member of staff at the college had the time to sit down and go through something if you didn’t quite understand it.

The atmosphere was very laid back without letting you fall behind. I loved how you were set work and then left to get on with it. allowing you to get through the assessment at your own pace.

Playing for and coaching the basketball team was great for my development as a coach during my time at college and then university.

All the lecturers seemed to love their job and you could tell in the way they would present their lectures. This motivated me to find a job I would enjoy as much as them.

Yes, especially those that feel they need a little more time in education – my English writing skills came on without me even knowing it. This was because I was writing about things I enjoy.

I’m a self employed sports massage therapist.

I would never have had the opportunity to try my hand at sports massage unless I’d paid for an expensive course.

During school I hated English and maths, however at college my skills came on a dream as I was writing about things I enjoyed.

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